The Workpackages

Improving the productive efficiency of the companies' internal processes and of the processes of the various companies involved in the sector's value chain.

WP5 | Digital Transition of the Ceramic Sector.


Digital Transition of the Ceramic Sector.

| WP coordinated by INOV

WP5 will substantially improve the productive efficiency not only of the companies\\\\' internal processes but also of the processes of the various companies that participate in the entire value chain of the sector. For this reason, four important needs were identified by the companies in the consortium that the WP5 will respond to:

PPS 23 | National BIM Archive Platform

Platform that allows the creation of a public and national library of digital models of ceramic products using standardized methodologies and BIM technology that incorporates different layers of information, namely with the inclusion of information on the carbon footprint of products.
Technology taker: VIATEL

PPS 24 | Centralized BIM Library Creation System

Platform that supports the creation of digital warehouses of moulds and mothers of ceramic products and that enables the production implementation of new processes for creating digital models of products using 3D modelling and printing tools.
Technology taker: VIATEL

PPS 25 | Digital production system of models and mothers of ceramic products

New processes for creating digital models and mothers of ceramic of products using 3D modelling and printing tools.
Technology taker: VIATEL

PPS 26 | Traceability system for ceramic pieces

Identification and traceability system for ceramic products for intelligent process control using high temperature resilient labelling systems.
Technology taker: VIATEL

PPS 27 | Sensing data integrating Platform from ceramic production.

Integrated system for integrating data from sensors across the full supply chain from raw materials to ceramic products.
Technology taker: VIATEL

The digital transition is an important pillar in the global strategy to respond to the needs of the sector. Ceramics and Glassware still have a low level of automated processes and where intrasectoral communication is very low.

Combined with other pillars, WP5 will substantially improve productive efficiency not only of companies' internal processes but also of various companies' processes that participate in the entire sector value chain.